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    Greenwich Second-Degree Harassment Trial Expectations

    For someone facing second-degree harassment charges, going to trial could be daunting. It can be critical to discuss with a distinguished second-degree harassment attorney about your desired outcome and how to prepare a strong defense in court. Contact a lawyer to learn more about your role and the associated Greenwich second-degree harassment trial expectations following your arrest or accusation.

    Recommended Behavior Throughout the Trial Process

    A criminal defense attorney could help someone clarify any inconsistencies in someone’s case. It is important to try and show the prosecutor why the accuser is not being credible, perhaps exaggerated, or made up some of the allegations.

    If the defendant has made a statement and reconsiders or changes it, it would not be helpful to the case as it would kind of take away from the defendant’s credibility and the prosecutor would not be as willing to believe what they have to say.

    What is the Potential Impact of the Accused’s Behavior?

    It is important to maintain composure during the court proceeding, despite any emotional attachment to the subject of course, because, especially in the case of a jury trial, the jury would be looking at the person charged with a crime to see if they are getting upset.

    They would be very aware of the defendant’s reaction, like getting angry and they take it into consideration. When determining Greenwich second-degree harassment trial expectations, the accused should not discount the role of a judge in their case. The judge would also be looking at the defendant’s face to see if they are reacting and if they have any inappropriate emotional reaction to anything that is going on in the court.

    Understanding Jury Trial Expectations

    An emotional or aggressive outburst in court might reflect negatively on how the jury and the judge perceive the client. A lot of times even though it is understandably stressful, it would put off the jury a little bit if they see that happening and it would be trapped on the credibility. It is not what the jury needs to be seeing from the client.

    In the event of a trial by jury, it might be important to identify with the jury as much as possible, because the defense attorney is not able to ask the jury to put themselves in the client’s shoes. If the jury is able to connect with the client, they would do that anyway.

    A lot of times if the jury finds the defendant to be relatable, especially if they went through anything similar to what the defendant have gone through, it is helpful. When they feel sympathetic toward the defendant and understand what they are going through, they are less likely to convict.

    Evidence Used to Prove Second-Degree Harassment

    Besides the evidence about any communication that has gone back and forth, like the parties’ phone calls, other compelling factors of harassment in the second-degree case for a jury in Greenwich include the history of the relationship between the two people and whether the accuser has ever expressed similar content or conduct towards the person being charged.

    For example, if the defendant is accused of calling the other person multiple times and the other person has done the same back to the defendant, the jury would consider that and not be as willing to convict based on their conduct. It may be critical to learn more about Greenwich second-degree harassment trial expectations by speaking with an attorney.