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    Stamford Third-Degree Assault Protective Orders

    Stamford third-degree assault protective orders are given by the court to protect the accuser from the accused. It says there are certain actions that cannot be taken against the accused. A distinguished third-degree assault attorney can help a potential client during a protective order or restraining order hearing in Stamford by representing them and advising them on all the issues the judges are looking at. The issues are slightly different in a protective order and restraining order hearings. Therefore, it may be critical to speak with an attorney regarding legal advice prior to a third-degree assault case.

    Examples of Third-Degree Assault Protective Orders

    In Connecticut, there are three types of third-degree assault protective orders in Stamford. The minimum protective order, called the partial protective order, says a person may not assault, threaten, abuse, harass, follow, interfere with, or stalk the protected person. The next step up is called the residential stay away, which is all those conditions plus stay away from the house. The third step up is the formal contact, which is all of the above and do not contact the protected person in any way.

    Penalties Associated with Violating a Protective Order

    The penalty for violating Stamford third-degree assault protective orders is the potential conviction for a C felony. The penalty for violating a restraining order in the Stamford is the same as for violating a protective order, a C felony. Protective orders and restraining orders are enforced in Stamford by the accuser calling the police when it is violated, and the police make an arrest. The difference between a protective order and restraining order in Stamford is the process by which a person gets it, but the end result is the same.

    What is a Restraining Order?

    A restraining order is the same as a protective order except that a person would be able to obtain a restraining order through the family courts or the civil courts. The end result is the same as a protective order. If a protective order has to do with a domestic violence case, one is issued in every case.

    Expected Behaviors Under Restraining and Protective Orders

    The main things a person about restraining and protective orders is that they are orders of the court and a person cannot change them unless the court allows it. If the court orders a person out of the house and they and the spouse make up, they are not allowed to move back into the house without the court’s permission.

    Complying with Stamford third-degree assault protective orders goes a long way in getting credibility with the judge and prosecutor, and help get the case resolved. If a person violates a protective or restraining order in Stamford, they will be arrested and charge with a felony, and the judge can set bail or put them in jail.

    To ensure they follow the protective or restraining order, a person can consult with an attorney to make sure they understand what the protective order or restraining order is saying and to make sure they comply with it.