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    Role of a Stamford DCF Attorney

    If you are under investigation for allegations of child abuse or neglect, you should consider retaining a top DCF lawyer. The role of a Stamford DCF attorney is to protect your rights and fight for the best interests of your family.

    What Prompts a DCF Investigation?

    If children are present when someone is arrested for a domestic violence offense, it can trigger an investigation by the Department of Children and Families (DCF). In addition, DCF also launches investigations in response to reports of suspected child abuse or neglect. These reports may be filed by a teacher, doctor, or other professionals who works with children and is required by law to report any suspicious circumstances. These individuals are known as mandated reporters. Reports may also be submitted anonymously by any member of the public.

    What Happens When DCF Receives a Report?

    After receiving a report of suspected child abuse or neglect, a DCF representative will consider its validity and conduct a risk assessment. The agency may decide to conduct a full investigation or a less intrusive evaluation known as a Family Assessment Response (FAR). During either type of investigation, DCF staff members will tour the home and interview family members.

    The role of a Stamford DCF lawyer can include preparing family members for the interview and helping them answer questions without inadvertently making a statement that could be used against them. An attorney could also be present during interviews to redirect questioning if it becomes unnecessarily invasive.

    When Happens When DCF Concludes its Investigation?

    After the DCF has concluded the investigation, the agency will issue a notice finding the allegations of child abuse or neglect to be substantiated or unsubstantiated. The notice may also recommend that family members be listed on the Central Registry of child abuse and neglect.

    A Stamford DCF lawyer can help appeal a substantiation finding or a registry recommendation. First, an attorney could help seek a review of the finding. If the review is not concluded in a timely fashion or results in a negative outcome, a DCF lawyer could help request a hearing, and present evidence in your defense. During a hearing, a DCF attorney can advocate on behalf of your family, including cross-examining the investigator who found evidence of abuse or neglect.

    Learn More About the Role of a Stamford DCF lawyer

    When you are under investigation, it is important to watch what you say and do to prevent taking actions that could forfeit your rights or be used against you. An experienced DCF lawyer understands the tactics used by investigators and can help you prepare for what’s ahead so you can make the right impression.

    To learn more about how an attorney could help in your particular situation, call Mark Sherman Law for a consultation.