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    Meeting with a Stamford Second-Degree Harassment Attorney

    In the event that anyone is arrested for harassment in the second-degree, the first step that they should take is to contact an experienced attorney in Stamford, Connecticut, to help them prepare a defense prior to going to court. The attorney can request the police report and discuss the police report with the client to formulate any defense that might be applicable in court. Once the case is in court, the defense attorney is able to negotiate the case with the state’s attorney. A meeting with a Stamford second-degree harassment attorney could be instrumental when building an individual’s case.

    Evidence a Person Should Preserve

    You should preserve all communications between yourself and your accuser in a second-degree harassment case, no matter when the communications took place. Even communications from a year prior to the allegations should be preserved, including any responses from the alleged victim. This can show that the alleged victim was engaging in conversation and did not feel annoyed or alarmed by their communication with you. Any communications that demonstrate any sort of relationship between the alleged victim and you, should be preserved as well. It is also important to bring that information with you to a meeting with a Stamford second-degree harassment attorney.

    How Should an Individual Prepare

    An accused individual should prepare a statement of their own relating to the allegations against them before their meeting with a Stamford second-degree harassment attorney. This is helpful because a criminal defense attorney can read the statement to see exactly what it is that they did, what the allegations are, and what is the defendant thinks of the allegations. The person also should prepare a document explicitly showing the allegations against them so that the criminal defense attorney can know exactly what they are preparing for if the case goes to court.

    When meeting with a criminal defense lawyer, an individual should be prepared to answer questions about the alleged victim’s allegations against them, questions regarding their relationship with the alleged victim, questions regarding their relationship with the accuser’s friends, and questions about anyone else whom they are accused of having contacted. Also, they should be prepared to tell the full truth to their attorney knowing that all communications are under attorney-client privilege and cannot be disclosed in court.

    Documents to Bring to an Initial Consultation

    When meeting with their criminal defense attorney, an accused individual should provide any evidence or documents that would negate the allegations against them. Any proof of communications between the parties is helpful. Anything that could prove that they were not the ones who initiated the conversation is helpful, as is proof of all the conversations that the two parties have had in the past. It is important to show that these parties have spoken before and that they did not intend to cause annoyance or alarm to the alleged victim.

    Topics that Might be Discussed During a Meeting

    In your initial meeting with a Stamford second-degree harassment attorney, the lawyer may ask you anything relating to the allegation. If you were ever investigated by the police department, the defense lawyer may ask you exactly what they said to the police, whether or not they gave a statement to the police, what the police communicated, and the nature of the allegations against you. The attorney may discuss any communications between you and the alleged victim and will discuss what information might be helpful regarding the relationship between the parties. Attorneys will look for evidence from past communication that may show that the parties had a more amicable relationship and that the communication was not intended to harass that person.

    It is important to discuss any statements that you may have made to the police during an arrest because that statement can be used in court against you. It is important for the attorney to know exactly what you said to the police, particularly if any admission was made to the alleged victim’s allegations or if you discussed or admitted doing anything else with which you could later be charged.

    Potential Documents That Might be Generated During a Meeting

    During the initial meeting with a Stamford, Connecticut top second-degree harassment attorney, any documents that are generated might be used at trial. This can include any evidence that is produced, such as the communications that have occurred in the past between you and your accuser. It can include any of the attorney’s notes that are taken during this meeting. It can include any sort of information on the alleged victim that can help the defendant’s case. If anything is used or created in preparation for trial, that document is considered attorney-client privileged and cannot be produced to the state’s attorney in court.

    How a Second-Degree Harassment in Stamford Could Help

    Meeting with a Stamford, CT second-degree harassment attorney is important because it is the first step in deciding what modes of action might be best for your case. A criminal defense lawyer’s first step in these second-degree harassment cases is to request the copy of the police report from the court. Then they review the police report in depth and discuss the case with the state attorney’s office to attempt to negotiate the disposition in the case and come to a resolution. A capable harassment attorney could review the necessary information, determine the best course of action, and then fight for a positive outcome for you.