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    Weston Disorderly Conduct Penalties

    If you are arrested for domestic violence disorderly conduct, you may end up facing sanctions from both criminal and family courts. Talk to a disorderly conduct lawyer about Weston disorderly conduct penalties if you are facing charges for this particular offense.

    What Are The Possible Consequences Of a Criminal Conviction?

    Connecticut General Statutes §53a-182 defines disorderly conduct as any intentional action which causes “inconvenience, annoyance, or alarm” to another person. This statute goes to list several specific actions that qualify as disorderly conduct, including engaging in a fight in public, blocking traffic, making unreasonable noise, and refusing to leave a public gathering upon police orders to do so.

    Can I Go to Jail for Disorderly Conduct?

    Yes. This offense is classified as a class C misdemeanor, which means that maximum penalties upon conviction may include a $500 fine and a jail sentence of up to three months. While prosecutors typically do not pursue these maximum penalties for a first offender, it remains an option available to them, and repeat offenders typically receive harsher punishments for subsequent convictions.

    The Impact of a Domestic Violence Designation

    If someone allegedly commits an act of disorderly conduct against a family or household member, their ensuing criminal charge may be considered a domestic violence offense. This classification does not result in any enhanced criminal penalties, but it can lead to numerous additional non-criminal consequences, as well as significant changes to how the defendant’s case will procedurally continue. To learn more about domestic violence arrests, click here.

    First, arraignment hearings for disorderly conduct charges proceed much more quickly if the offense is designated as domestic violence, and defendants are often required to appear in court as soon as the next morning. In addition to making a ruling on bail and setting a trial date, the judge overseeing arraignment for domestic violence will also institute a temporary protective order that will remain in effect until the defendant’s criminal trial concludes.

    Depending on the circumstances of their case, this protective order may only require the defendant to refrain from additional harassment of the protected party, or it may mandate that they move out of any residence they share with that party, avoid that party’s place of work, or even cut all contact of any kind with that party. In addition, any disorderly conduct act suspected to present a danger to minor children may provoke an investigation from the Connecticut Department of Children and Families, which could lead to a loss of custody and visitation rights for the defendant.

    Contest Disorderly Conduct Penalties with a Weston Attorney’s Help

    To learn more about the Weston disorderly conduct penalties you may have to deal with in your case, call today to set up a consultation with a seasoned defense lawyer. You can read our hundreds of certified reviews here to see just how helpful a lawyer could be, then reach out to begin your defense today.