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    Dynamics of a Westport Risk of Injury Arrest 

    Risk of injury to a minor is an offense in which an individual threatens the safety or morality of a child. However, a risk of injury charge has many other components and nuances to it. It is important to have an understanding of the dynamics of a Westport risk of injury arrest if you have been charged with risk of injury or child endangerment. A capable defense attorney can break down the different dynamics at play in a risk of injury arrest and could work diligently to protect your rights.

    Substantiating a Risk of Injury Allegation

    DCF must conclude that there is reasonable cause to find that the allegations are true and that the child was abused or neglected. The investigation might produce reports from the child if the child has been abused or visiting the home if the home is in disarray if it seems that the children are being neglected if officials from school are reporting that the children are showing up to school with marks on them, things like that.

    Who Reports a Risk of Injury Arrest to the Westport DCF?

    The Westport Police will make a referral to the DCF following a risk of injury arrest. DCF opens an investigation and they begin investigating the incident as to decide which track it will take and what services are necessary. Typically, the court will require DCF cooperation but without a court order, someone is not required to cooperate with DCF.

    Mandated Reporters

    While an individual might think that those reporting are doing so on a whim, one of the dynamics of a Westport risk of injury arrest is the role of mandated reporters. A mandated reporter is someone who, by law, has to report to DCF anything that they think may be child abuse. The list includes:

    • Doctors
    • Chiropractors
    • Dentists
    • DCF employees
    • Nurses
    • School employees
    • Any mental health professionals such as psychologists or psychiatrists, social workers, and guidance counselors

    Anyone that may interact with a child in a professional capacity, is required to report what they believe could be risk of injury to a minor and/or domestic violence.

    What Is the DCF Family Assessment Response System?

    The DCF Family Assessment Response System is a system that is used for low-risk cases where DCF does not require that the family take in-home help, that DCF will make in-home help available to the family in order for them to function better as a family.

    DCF will pull over its referrals on the (FAR) track and they will give the family the option of using their services but they will not require it. The risk of injury arrest for Westport will be challenged in Stamford Court.

    Importance of a Guardian Ad Litem

    When discussing the dynamics of a Westport risk of injury arrest it is important to discuss the role of a guardian ad litem. A risk of injury guardian ad litem is a third party who is appointed to represent the best interests of the children.

    The benefit of appointing a guardian ad litem is that it allows the children to be interviewed and a neutral party to tell the court what they think is the best interest of the children, and that takes out the influence of parents who are trying to turn the children against each other.

    DCF Service Agreements

    A DCF service agreement is something that would DCF have someone sign where they agree to follow certain orders DCF gives them during the course of their investigation.

    The benefits of a DCF agreement are that the DCF will believe that the accused is cooperating with them and that could be a sign of goodwill. The drawback is that the person will be stuck with the DCF agreement.

    Role of a Westport Domestic Violence Lawyer

    The role of a domestic violence Westport lawyer is to advocate on your behalf. Your attorney could work to get to the truth of the matter and make sure that the evidence is preserved, reviewed, and argued in the best possible light for you. An experienced lawyer may be aware of the different dynamics of a Westport risk of injury arrest and can use that knowledge to work towards a positive outcome for you.