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    Wilton Sexual Assault Investigations

    Handling Wilton sexual assault investigations calmly and productively is usually a lot easier with help from a knowledgeable sexual assault defense lawyer. Once retained, your legal counsel could keep you informed of new developments in the investigative process, ensure you do nothing to inadvertently incriminate yourself, and, above all, work tirelessly to protect your rights and best interests every step of the way.

    What Key Evidence Do Prosecutors Look For in a Sexual Assault Investigation?

    Sexual assault investigations are usually handled at the local level, so anyone accused of sexual assault in Wilton would likely be subject to investigation by the Wilton police department based on a complaint filed directly with that department. Depending on whether the complaint came from an alleged victim’s own report or a report from a hospital, medical evidence such as a rape kit may or may not already be available.

    All that physical and DNA evidence can prove beyond a reasonable doubt in many situations is that an alleged perpetrator was involved in some form of sexual contact with the alleged victim—it does not necessarily prove that the encounter was non-consensual. In light of this, police departments that undertake investigations into this sort of offense typically look for additional documentary evidence like phone records, online message logs, and security camera footage.

    Investigators will also almost always seek testimony from people who either personally saw what happened or saw how the two involved parties interacted before or after the alleged incident. Finally, they will usually interview both the alleged victim and the alleged perpetrator multiple times, often using more than one officer to ensure the stories stay the same.

    What Rights Do I Have in a Sex Crimes Prosecution?

    Unfortunately, people accused of sexual assault in Connecticut do not have a legally guaranteed right to privacy while the investigation is ongoing, so while there is a lot a lawyer could do to help manage the spread of sensitive information and allegations, there is little they could do to completely stop it. That being said, individuals subject to Wilton sexual assault investigations have the constitutional right to have legal counsel present during questioning, to cross-examine prosecutorial witnesses, and to remain completely silent if they wish to do so.

    Not saying anything is often the best defense strategy available in these kinds of situations, as prosecutors often try to steer accused individuals towards saying something to incriminate themselves during questioning. The presence of a skilled attorney can make a huge difference when it comes to minimizing the chances of making this sort of mistake.

    At the end of the day, a skilled Wilton sexual assault lawyer can evaluate your specific case and discuss all of your options for defense with you. There is no silver bullet to defending a sex crime, and an attorney who has handled sex crime cases in the past can help you decide the best course of action for you.

    A Wilton Attorney Could Help Handle a Sexual Assault Investigation

    Finding out you are under investigation for an alleged sexual assault can be a harrowing experience. Your first priority after learning about a Wilton sexual assault investigation should be contacting a qualified defense lawyer and discussing your optimal course of action. The lawyers at Mark Sherman Law have years of experience helping clients just like you, you can click here to read our reviews on Then, call today to schedule your initial consultation.